Friday, April 6, 2012

Be true to... Yourself!

The Importance of Being Real.

Fake Personas

Ever since we were kids, we’ve been looking outside of ourselves... for what?

Heroes. Idols. Role Models.. 
Someone to be other than who we are.

Some of us try to "Keep it real" 
We see people come and people go.
We see people change right in front of our eyes.
We see people pretend to be something, someone they are truly, truly not.

Socially, we naturally tend gravitate to those who influence us somehow.

Sometimes it’s a good influence, sometimes it’s a bad influence… 

But the influence makes us feel different about ourselves.

Don't get me wrong, The Bad Man will play the games..
But I know it's just games. The shit is NOT real...

Sometimes, influences take us away from who we are,
we adopt the idea of being like someone else
anyone else other that who we are.

Then we try to make this new persona our real life. 
Why? Well, because life is hard and sometimes we just want to be somebody different..

It's "The Facade"

The equivalent to living a lie, no one can see who you are.

many put on facades just to impress others.

But here's the catch...

People can see through us when we are not being true to ourselves... pretty easily.

Try this.... Accept who you are.
Know that you are good enough for anybody and anything

You don’t have to change shit about who you are for anyone... Ever.

People who come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Be true to yourself. 

Take off the mask.

Why would anyone create a fake persona? 


.... fear that we won't be valued for who we really are
.... fear that we'll be hurt if we put our real selves out there
.... fear of what people will think if we're not what they think we should be
.... fear of not fitting into societal norms
.... fear of not being good enough, worthy enough
.... fear that we need to MO'
mo' this,
mo' that,
mo' something
or  we'll be less... of everything.

Fake personas cause a lot of suffering for the person who's not being real. 

It takes massive amounts of energy to hold that fake shit together. 

And eventually... you're fucked. The true shit begins to show. 

  • Try to be spiritual, positive, or non-judgmental. Better to be flawed, human, and who you are, than to be some shit that just isn't real.
  • Be nice. Take the pressure off yourself and apply that energy towards helping others in need.
  • Stop playing roles that take over your real person. Just be you.
  • Projecting the image to friends and family of being the perfect couple, wife, husband, father, mother, daughter, son, etc.... is BULLSHIT!
  • Being what parents or spouses want, or anyone else wants you to be.... is BULLSHIT! Do you.
  • Acting like all the other kids... BULLSHIT!
  • Being over-sexy, or too caught up in being perfectly beautiful or handsome, thinking that's what's necessary to attract the opposite sex... Unless that's how you make your bread Boo-boo it's... BULLSHIT!

People trying to relate to the fake persona will get a sense that something ain't right.
That gut feeling of mistrust. 

The longer you fake it, the more you hurt the ones who believed in you.

And that is a bitch ass thing to do.

 The Bad Man