.... of Your Word
Step one:
Never make promises.
Unless you are absolutely going to keep them.
If you say you’re going to do something….
DO something.
You got somewhere to be?
Fucking be there.
You might be a lil late or a lil early…. But be there.
Real Talk:
All you truly have in this lifetime is your name and your reputation.
When it’s over,
This life…
You are not taking shit with you….
You are leaving shit behind.
And no matter what the fuck you did… Or how much you acquired…
It is your name and your reputation that will be remembered.
When I say by everyone,
That means, you need to really think about what the fuck you say
And who the fuck you say it to.
You may be the best shit, since shit was invented
…. At your job.
Rock on. Do your thing baby!
If you’re not “The Shit” at your job, well that’s another topic.
How are you at being her man?
You want to keep your girl?
It’s that fucking simple and it works both ways…
You say you’re gonna change… Then change!
You say you’ll never change… then don’t fucking change.
Believe it or not, someone might love your ass just the way you are.
Women are very literal creatures. They like to speak and be spoken to...
Your words will have meaning. Careful what you say...
Yeah, sure, there will always be some shit that tosses a wrench in the mix.
Just remember, what goes up, must come down.
Spinning wheel gots to go round.
That’s life.
How are you at being a father?
Want to know how I do it?
I don’t make promises to my kids.
That way, Daddy doesn’t break any promises…. Get it?
Yes, I give my kids things but I give them randomly.
That way, they know I think about em’.
Lesson here: With children, be thoughtful.
Oh yeah. And boys will be boys.....
Just sayin.
How are you at being a friend?
In case you didn’t know, you get like five best friends in your life.
Everyone else is an acquaintance.
So choose who call a friend carefully.
Hint: Best friends put in time and effort.
I can only speak from my own experience when I say…
Most people want something from you.
Sex. Money. Power. Possessions.Time.
Most people, intentionally or not, will leave you feeling fucked over.
Just know, that when you’re in trouble…
Not everyone who shows up is there to help.
How are you at keeping a secret?
Bad Man 101: Rule #2 Keep your mouth shut.
Flipside: Some secrets are fucked and not worth keeping.
Especially if you know the secret is going to fuck over something you care about.
If you drop dime.
That's: Tell on, Snitch, Rat, Squeal, Leak, Blow the whistle..
Be prepared to deal with the consequences. Whatever they may be.
Step two:
Think of yourself as a sniper.
Think of your word as a bullet.
“One shot. One kill.”
No matter what you’re doing… One lie can kill it.
Be a man of your word.
And yes, this shit goes for women too.
The Bad Man