Monday, April 29, 2013

Don't be a Pussy.

In this life time, there are a very few things that you will truly own.

Among those are your reputation and your thoughts.

That said:

There's only two things in life
that you don't want  your reputation to be
or for others to think that you are.


#1.  A Dick.

Just trust me.  If your reputation is that of a Dick, just move to another place
Change professions
and start all over...
and please
don't be a Dick.

If you ever say to yourself,  "I'm such a Dick."  
Guess what?  
If you think it, everyone else knows it.
You're a Dick.  
and again, please... 
don't be a Dick.

Next thing you don't want to be...

#2.  A Pussy.

If people call you a Pussy, or you think you are Pussy,
you shouldn't be reading my shit.

Luckily, in this case, you don't need to move...
You just have to change... Professions.

-Sex, Religion, Race, Planet, Balls all aside-  

Love is Love.

Life is life.

Business is business.

A Dick is a Dick.
Don't be one.

A Pussy is a Pussy.
Don't be one.

The bottom line is this:

What you are is Rational.
What people think you are is Emotional.

If you're a Pussy, you won't climb the hill.
If you're a Dick... No one will help you up.

Here's a hint.

Keep your reputation clean.
Keep your thoughts to yourself.

Good Luck,

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Having Balls.

That’s right, I said it.… Balls.

And yes, women have balls too.  So when I say having Balls, it goes for everyone. Balls is no more, no less than a very strong, emotional energy within, that only YOU, have the power to control.  This energy can be emitted from or suppress in, your body.  And like any other source of energy, Balls have to be controlled.

Balls is what join and separate everything… Allow me to explain Balls as seen through the eyes of the Villain and Rogue.

Firstly.  Balls is not stepping up and spouting off.  At times it can be, but to a Villain, a Rogue, that’s just a simple lack of self-control and not sexy at all.  As I said earlier Balls is a strong, emotional energy.  Now imagine that you learned how to focus that emotional energy.  Let me just tell you Good Ball Control is priceless… and very, very sexy.

Your Balls usually show when it's time to step: 

  1. Step up. This one is the easiest.  You simply have to have Balls to move ahead in life.  
  2. Step aside.  This one is not as easy.  Having the Balls to step aside takes practice.  Look at it this way, when you see someone coming at you hard, I mean Balls out.  The best thing to do is step aside and let them pass.  Most people who go Balls out are not in control. Which is often not good for whomever is in the way.
  3. Step back.  The Balls to step back unfortunately is often preceded by an emotional downer.  Having the Balls to step back means that you have to take the high road in whatever the situation may be.
  4. Step away.  This one is the toughest and takes more Balls than you will use to step up.  See, stepping away has to be done sometimes.  Say you've stuck with something, someone, some place too long.  Physically and emotionally you are connected to it but you know this thing is no longer good for you.  There's no growth potential. There's no return on your investment.  You have to have Brass Balls to truly step away from something negative that you are bound to. You have to have the Balls to leave, you also have to have the Balls to start over.  Unfortunately, most people don't have Brass Balls.  Most people will stay in a messed up place and try to fix what's broken.  
(Villains & Rogues #149 : Once it's broken it's broken.   Even if you fix it. It's still broken)

How you use your Balls will determine everything you do, every step you take and of course the outcome of everything.  Uncontrolled Ball Emission (UBE) is bad. It's a waste of time and energy, a loss of growth and power, it's "Punking" yourself.  We've all done it.  The goal is to never do it again.

Good Ball Control (GBC) means you’ll be seen as professional and a master of self. The only thing that can make Good Ball Control spin out is the Ego… And that’s a big deal.  The Ego is a motherfucker to deal with.  The Ego is a child, a three and a half year old, screaming and kicking.  The Ego wants what it wants, period.  It wasn’t until I had children myself, that I truly understood that.  You MUST control the Ego… If you're asking how, it’s likely because you don’t have kids. 

To control the Ego, you have to realize that it's your inner child.  You have to love it, nurture it, respect it, play with it and NOT let it run your life.  Every parent knows what I’m saying.  Once you have that in check… Trust it.  Let your Ego take control of your Balls.  

To be a real pro, keep your Balls in check.  After all, no one truly wants to see your ______ Balls.  (Every joke you are making right now really does apply.)  More important, you really don't want to show your ______ Balls to everyone anyway.  That just takes you all the way back to having no self-control, thereby, having no Balls. (Therein lies the rub…) 

You control your Ego, your Ego controls your Balls.  You win.  
The equation goes like this.  Balls = You over your Ego.

You’ll be impressed when you see how fast you rise to any occasion, how fast you climb any ladder and how many people will help you… because they believe that whatever it is… you’ve got the Balls to do it.

All that said, Balls is still just a part of the picture.  It's a good sized part but still not the whole picture.  Next time I'll take a look at working "Smarter" not "Harder".  Which requires having the Balls... to know the difference.

Villains and Rogues

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Survive Jury Duty.

7 am:  I wake saying "SHIT!!"  My wife says, "Boooo? You up?" ...Yeah, she calls me "Boo".

8 am: I'm at the courthouse listening to this dude tell me how to walk through a metal detector.... at least 70 other people around me holding juror papers.  Every type of American you could imagine.  I was one of them. And from the looks of things, we'd all been though metal detectors before.

9 am: We're all seated in different rooms... I walk into a room of solem faces.  "Is this the party?", I said with a big smile!  Nothing.  Crickets.

Juror #1 walks in. (That's just I'm going to call him.)
He said some shit like, "Don't worry everyone!! I'm Here!!"

... Instant Bromance.

Long story short... How and why things happen are out of our control.  Turns out Juror #1 is a very real MF.  Young but accomplished.  Full of piss and vinegar... Ready to fight on!  I loved the energy in a otherwise, bullshit setting.  He was genius.  He called me #16.  I promise you've heard of, or maybe have seen his first movie.  He read scenes from the second movie to me during lunch.  It was awesome!

Back to the Jury...

Mind you, if the case is something you care about, you go ahead and be a juror.  Your thoughts could one day change laws and lives.

Honestly, if this case were important, I would have stayed.

This is just a very, very short story of how we got out of jury duty for a "bullshit" case last Monday.  

Juror #1 "I'm Bi-Polar."

Juror #16 "You Honor,  I smoke medical marijuana!"

The look on the Judge's face was priceless.

Did You Know?   ...that when they dismiss you from Jury Duty, they give you a green piece of paper excusing from Jury Duty for a year?

Best day EVER!



Monday, March 4, 2013

The “REAL” Pimp Game - Repost

Disclaimer: I am NOT a politcal person, I'm just callin it like I see it.

The “REAL” Pimp Game.  
By @AskTheBadMan

Disclaimer Disclaimer: I may not be completely right, But I’m not completely wrong.

By popular definition:

A pimp is an agent for prostitutes who lives off their earnings. Pimping is illegal in most countries. The majority of pimps are men. A woman who runs a brothel is known as a madam. The pimp–prostitute relationship can be abusive, with the pimp using techniques such as psychological intimidation, manipulation and physical force to control the prostitutes who work for him.[1] Pimps are known under the law as procurers. In the United States, pimps are arrested and charged with pandering.

Now take away the negative shit and look up…

Dot the I’s and cross the T’s

And what do we see?

We see that a pimp is an agent who lives off earnings of others. Pimping is in most countries. The majority of pimps are men. Women Pimps are called Madams or:

Stephanie Rae Roqumore

HOUSTON — By the standards of recent financial scandals, Stephanie Rae Roqumore's alleged US$6.8 million natural gas trading scam may be small potatoes, but it raises some big questions.

Read more:



We all know that everyone who ever called Ms. Cleo got pimped!!  

The pimp–prostitute relationship can be abusive using techniques such as psychological intimidation, manipulation and physical force to control the others who work for him.[1]

Big Pimpin'

-Bernie Madoff

-Stanford Financial

-Tyco International



Pimps are known under the law as procurers. But In real life, Pimps are business people, who hustle to sell whatever the fuck they sellin’ to make money. Thereby, living off the earning they make from said hustle.

Following this theory, if one does anything to make money, one is “Pimping” something.

In the United States, pimps are arrested and charged with pandering.

  -Bernie Madoff
$65 billion missing from clients’ accounts
(although actual client losses were closer to $18 billion).

-Stanford Financial

Allen Stanford, the Texas financier accused of a $7 billion fraud,
should be transferred to another detention facility
because there has been no air conditioning in the jail cell
where he is being held, his lawyer said in a court filing.

Read more:

-Tyco International

In 2005, Kozlowski and chief financial officer Mark Swartz were convicted of stealing $600 million from the company. Kozlowski will forever be remembered for the $2 million birthday party he threw for his wife on a Mediterranean island that featured entertainers dressed in togas and an appearance by singer Jimmy Buffett—mostly at company expense.

When the WorldCom scandal hit the news in June 2002, a little known piece of legislation that had been languishing in the U.S. House and Senate was resuscitated instantaneously. Just a few weeks later, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was approved in the House by a vote of 423-3 and in the Senate by a vote of 99-0. It introduced the most sweeping set of new business regulations since the 1930s.

Enron was the “it” company at the turn of the century. Its success seemed to define a new kind of company for the new millennium. On October 16, 2001, however, Enron announced an earnings restatement that investors immediately recognized as a harbinger of bigger problems. In six short weeks the company that had oozed wealth, smarts and power declared bankruptcy. Thousands of employees and investors saw their retirement savings vanish with the company.

I could go back forever with this shit but…

It all stops here…

The first being to buy or sell another being for money was a pimp.

Later those beings and the decendents of those beings became the top merchants, business owners, socialites and “leaders of the world”… aka: The World Bank.

All by Pimpin’.

The Real Pimps: are the ones who pimp the ones who pimp the ones who pimp the ones who pimp us. (If you really want to know who that is, go 33 “who pimp the ones” deep.)

"Bitch!! Where the fuck is my MONEY!!"

Nuff said,
Hello CIA...

The Bad Man.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

America's Gun Control

Gun Ownership
Sure, everyone should have the right to own a gun.
Registration and Rules 

Must be min 21 y/o
Under 21 accompanied by adult or in military. Period.

Next, how about before we just hand some fool a gun... They answer some questions?

What is your reason for wanting to own a firearm?
Believe me , I get it... But it's not me I'm worried about....

Business Owner?
Law Enforcement?
Protection Agency?
Security Co?
Money transport?
Private Investigator?
Other? Please describe and explain.

How many Firearms do you own and why?
I mean really? How do we let some of these fools get so many guns? 
Assault Rifles: (Military, Law Enforcement, National Guard or Coast Guard only!)
Any other large caliber guns:

Now we need some...
"I ain't got money, but I got a gun!" - Should not happen.

Valid Driver License or State ID w/Photo from state of purchase.
Bank account # If you don’t have money in the goddamn bank, why the fuck do you need a gun?
Personal References: Who’s gonna vouch for your ass?
Three people: Names, addresses, phone numbers, Driver Licenses & Social Security Numbers.

Education and Testing:
Mandatory classes taught by Local or State Police
Newly purchased firearm is stored until class is complete.

101 – Learn your firearm.
Make, model, caliber, breaking it down, cleaning, re-building, loading, clearing, storing.

102 - Rules for use.
State and federal gun use laws and penalties.

103 – Use.
Target practice.  Must score at certain level to pass. Before you can walk with your gun.

Registering & Licensing:
Every firearm has a Make, Model and Serial Number.
Every owner has a driver license or state ID and a social security number.

How about we put it all together?

Oh yeah.... How does a Local or State Police Agency pay for the time/hours it takes for an officer to teach these classes? I don't know, maybe by raising the prices of firearms, increasing the tax on a firearm, or simply charge the owner for the damn class.... 
Just a thought...  

Gun Owner Public Notification

Pretty simple.

Everything (accident or crime) leads back to the registered owner.
 Just wrong.


Under-aged crimes involving firearms are tried as adult.

With Possession of a Firearm in Public.
Add the words, “with intent to commit murder” to the end of any crime.

If you unlawfully take the life of another human being, 
you loose all rights.
Death or life in prison.

And the person who owns the gun
is just as responsible as the person who uses the gun.

But still....
I'm just saying...

These are just some quick thoughts based on the recent shootings in the news... I consider myself on of the "Good" guys and I'm telling you, it's far too easy for the "Bad" guys to get guns.

Good luck,
The Bad Man

Friday, January 11, 2013

Love... Actually.

It has been over 30 days since the last time I sat to reflect on the world around me.

Why so long? 

Well, I was becoming disenchanted.
I was losing faith in mankind and had separated myself from it
to the point of becoming a bit of a vile and very base.

In my 30 days of regression back to a past me,
I tried to simply stay quite.

I watched all those who might be watching me.

And yes, you can all be found.

I looked for similarities, likeness, things we may have “clicked” in common….

Now, here’s the crazy part.

The more I looked, the less angry I became.

I started to wonder what the fuck was making me act this way to begin with?

The answer is…


No, really.  Love was making me crazy.

Much the same way as the Alpha Lion protects its Pride.
The Bull watches over the heard.
It was simple, kinda animal based, love.

But wait, there’s more….

The more I peered into the world around me, the more I saw 
what was driving the people of Mother Earth 
and mankind as a whole.

Guess what I saw?

More… Love.

Love in the best and worst forms.
The joy. The pain.
The accepting and rejecting up and down,
Rocking your world, while fucking your life kind of loves.

I needed to understand this, so… I looked it up.

I want to share what I found.
I just don’t want to share it... the way I found it.

Straight. No chaser.
No sugar coating. 
No bullshit.

Like to hear it?

Here it goes.

The 9 types of love.

It’s nice. You start to care, become close.
You do things for someone else and it makes you happy.
In your heart, you want to give and receive this.
In the beginning you will.
Affection makes you warm. All humans need it.

The kick in the ass is:
If you don’t give it, you will not get it.
And even when you do give it,
there is no guarantee that it will be returned.

Your there for them, they’re there for you…
You can talk about anything.
You’re honest with each other, supporting, loyal, respectful and tight.

The kick?

 The answer? 

Why does this person want to hang out with you?
Only time will tell.
Advice? If I may?
Don’t call someone a “friend” until you’ve known them for at least a year.
And in that year, give them a lot of rope…
See if they hang themselves.

You just can’t get this person outta your head,
The good and the bad.
The physical attraction, the crush…
Holy fuck, I'm love drunk!

Reciprocation is the problem.
They say all good things come to an end… 
Who ever the hell they are...  they’re right.
This doesn’t mean that the love is done,
This means the infatuation is.
Infatuation, like lighting, rarely strike the same place twice.

Platonic Love.
Take all the above, now lose the sex.
Ahhhhhh. No. Thank you...

I don’t care what people think. This is what I know…
There is no platonic love that can’t find it's way to the nasty. 

Step 1:  Take any friendship 
Step 2:  Add alcohol

Next thing you know...

You’re waking in the morning trying to act, “Normal”.

Puppy Love.
Who said, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?”
Puppy love happens at any age.
The most common sign is when you start to act immature.
Suddenly you're doing, thinking and feeling silly things.

It’s cute. What else can you say?
And everyone's, got an inner puppy. 

Romantic love.
The soft music and candles, the long walks while holding hands… kissing.
You don’t fuck.
You make love.
You’ve become one.

Careful, this shit leads to marriage.

And like infatuation, it often comes to an end.
This doesn’t mean that the love is done.

It means the romance is.

And that doesn’t mean it’s gone forever,
It means priorities have shifted.

You can HAVE it back… if you WANT it back..
The problem is it takes two.

Sexual Love.
Lust. Need. Intimacy.
Master and servant, tie me up, tie me down,
Let me whisper in your ear while I pull your hair,
Lock your body to mine… Shhh... quite....

What’s the real kick in the ass?
It ends.
Eventually you’ll want cherry pie instead of apple.

What you do about it depends on who you are,
What your word is worth and plain old honesty.
Just know that sex is NOT love.
Sex is the funky shit that you do to one another
that makes you think you’re in love.

Passionate love.
Naturally comes after sexual love.
It’s intense, expressive; you’ve given yourself away.

You’re fucked.
There is no you with out them.
You’re fucked.
Only one thing can save you…
Cause you're fittin' ta get yo ass hitched!

Committed Love.
You made it to this because you’ve gone through all else.
Hell and back.
You see each other’s faults and accept them.
In time of need YOU are there.
There is devotion. There is sacrifice.
You’ve become Bonnie and Clyde.

The kick in the motherfucking ass?
People lie.

Just how committed are you?
How committed are they?

You won’t know till it’s over.
And if you’ve made it this far it only ends three ways...
Death or deceit or split decision.

Someone’s going to pass away, someone’s going to walk away
or your both just gonna say fuck it.

So there it is.


The all encompassing, roller coaster of physical, emotional 
and mind melting uncertainty that we all must find and 
give and then take from one another.

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
-Lord Alfred Tennyson

Personally, I truly believe that if you love someone,
You have to be able to let them go lovingly.
If they love you…
They will come back.

No matter who you are, someone is in love with you.
You may not notice if you stay hung up on the one you had to let go.

Good Luck.
The Bad Man