Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lawrence Taylor You Stupid Motherfucker

Lawrence Taylor, Pro Football Hall-of-Famer.  
Why are you paying for sex with a 16-year-old prostitute? Unacceptable.

What the fuck is wrong with you?  
Is a 18y old too old?  
Are you missing your High School years? 
Are you really some kind of "eat shit and die" pedophile? 
This is how you’re going go out?  
Is this how your story ends?  

What- a- fucking- waste-!

You took a car service from Newark International airport to a Holiday Inn north of New York City for this?  
How fucking dumb are you?

On top of that, you get the E-No-Class pimp?  (E, stands for Economic, No Class stands for No Fucking Class!)  Moron. 

The girl claims her pimp, Rasheed Davis, set up the date and when she refused to go, the pimp beat her up and forced her to see you.  Pimping a woman whose of age, I can actually understand.  Pimping a minor? No.  That's called child slavery.

This pimp tells you the girl is 19.  Fine.  
Did you ask this motherfucker why he was bringing you a bitch with a black eye?

After "engaging in sex acts", you pay her $300 in cash… Huh?   
Two words… Craig’s - list.  Two more?  Out - call. Think about it.

Fuck you Lawrence Taylor, AKA "Client-1"; prison location and inmate number soon to follow.  So fucking what you were told the girl was 19.  Are you blind?  Dude, you’re 51 fucking years old!! You can’t recognize a goddamn teenager when you see one?  

You are obviously too stupid to count so let me do the math on this for you.

Car service From Newark NJ to Busted Ass Holliday Inn, north of NYC….  
Busted Ass Room at the Busted Ass Holiday Inn… 
Rough Sex with an underage girl... 
Loosing the respect of your friends, family, supporters and sponsors, not to mention your fucking freedom… 

I was going to add loss of manhood to the list but I can’t.  You’re not a man. You’re a punk.  And yes, I would say that to your face. 

This is in no way a death threat.  
This is merely a suggestion:  How about … wait for it… castration?  That means… (Drum roll)… No repeat offenders!!`

In case you haven’t guessed, I have a teenaged daughter.  I also have the right to bear arms…  You and others like you should consider yourselves warned.

How the hell you are out on bail is beyond me… Is there no justice in this shitty ass system?
You confessed to having sex with a minor.  Ever heard " 15 will get you 20".  

Bottom Line time Lawrence.
You were a 10-time Pro Bowler, the Most Valuable Player in 1986, Defensive Player of the Year in 1981, 1982 and 1986 and someone I used to look up to.

Lawrence Taylor, You are an embarrassment to all who ever looked up to you.

Now... you’re a sack of shit. You’re fucking worthless.  And yes, I would tell you that to your face.  May you get ass raped in prison.

Sincerely yours,

The Bad Man

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